Halloween candy

Friday, April 30, 2010

Lowest Price Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I still have a full working E71 and can compare side by side one against the other, the phone does not show poor manufacturing, battery cover is not ill fitted,the key pad feels the same and the camera seems much better.In using it you will notice the 72 being faster,the menu design is different so you will wonder at first for where are some applications, the optical key is easy to adjust to.
Overall great phone, I only do not like the lack of a podcasting program but I will install escarpodGet more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Low Price Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I spent alot of time researching a smart phone which would fulfill my needs. Every phone I researched had adherants and detractors. I ultimately bought the E72 as it met the majority of my needs and wants. First, I could avoid paying smart phone rates for internet and messaging. The phone also comes with Quickoffice which allows me to carry reports and useful information with me at all times ( I am an older student who returned to school to become an RN and this application is great for reducing the bulk of stuff I had to carry). The symbian OS is very stable. WiFi is great. The raised letters on the keyboard mean I seldom make mistakes entering anything. Call quality is great. As for those who complain about a lack of intuitiveness to the OS, I found it relatively easy to learn. If you have had to use proprietary programs; there is a learning curve in how information is organized but once you understand their system it is easy. It took me about a day to get it down. If I am light on Wifi/Internet the phone runs about 3 days between charges. If I really push the phone needs a daily charge. There are many more features about this phone I enjoy that I just do not have the time to go into.THe biggest downside for me with this phone was the manual. It discusses complex tasks but glosses over the basics. Overall, for a smart phone the price is reasonable,CPU power means no lag, the quality is great, the applications in the phone and Nokia PC suite are easy to use. If what I described meets your needs you will be happy with this phone. I know I have no regrets and am happy with the E72.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Save Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

first i bouth to phone nokia e71 thats awesome phone but i gave as a gift to my close friend after iboutgh ths phone but no worth like e 71 battary life so low smart navigation key not a usefull
if u wanna buy this phone dont do it rather buy e 761 and save money and get to good phone only the difference each other cam thats it be for this reviev i returned to phoneGet more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Discount Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

As many other raters have stated the features of this phone are excellent. However, the assembly quality is questionable. I purchased two of these phones both of which have dust & blemishes on the underside of the screen/faceplate which appear as dead pixels or black specks on the screen. One of the units is so bad that I am returning it for a new exchange since I really like the phone. Amazon.com has been very cooperative and is expediting the exchange. Hopefully, the new phone will not have the dust and/or blemishes like the first phone. I upgraded to the E72 from the E71 which I also purchased from Amazon.com. The E71 was blemish free.

I received my replacement unit yesterday. I am pleased to report that this unit although not perfect, is much better than the original unit.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cheapest Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

This is really a very smart phone! Actualy it's my First Nokia. Bofore I use to have very fency phones from LG, Sumsung. LG- was a disaster:-( but as to my Nokia E72 I was impressed from the very first minute. It's like a tiny computer,I had read all the technical details, but what relly surprised me as a foreigner is that it had a dictionary loaded in it. It's amazing, besides with Wi-Fi I can use any on-line dictionaries... I do like my new phone.I've already recommended it to lots of my friends in many different countries.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Cheap Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I've had this phone for a few weeks and I have to say that so far I couldn't be happier.

First of all, make no mistake, this is a business phone. If you are undecided between a Nokia E72 and a Blackberry then you are on the right path. But if you are looking for a touchscreen phone (think iPhone) then you'd better look elsewhere. Of course the E72 can play videos and music beautifully (it's 600mhz processor is quite fast) but this phone is definitively business oriented.

So I will not compare this phone to an iPhone or anything similar because that would be like comparing apples to oranges. Comparing it to a Blackberry makes more sense. Well, it's definitively faster, lighter and thinner than a Blackberry. I also like the keyboard better. Actually, I absolutely love the QWERTY keyboard, it's easy on the fingers but it feels firm and well built at the same time.

Navigation improved quite a bit thanks to the tiny optical touchpad and you still have E71's directional keys if you prefer them.

As I mentioned before, the processor is quite fast and the user interface is snappy and responsive, exactly what a business user needs. I'm also surprised by the excellent battery life (several days in a row with 3.5G on).

Did I mention how thin it is? Just 0.39 inches! Even the iPhone is thicker at 0.48 inches and the Blackberry phones range between 0.53 and 0.60 inches... my E72 makes them look like burritos :) So if you care about form factor as much as I do, you're not going to be disappointed.

Finally, I don't get why some people are complaining about the build quality. I'm slightly abusive with my phones... my previous phone was an LG and it broke in no time. This phone, on the other hand, feels compact and sturdy. I haven't dropped this one yet but I've had many Nokia phones before and I know for a fact they can take a lot of damage before they stop working.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Buying Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

Most reviews on the web compare the E72 with the E71 and whether it is worth the upgrade. This review is from the perspective of a first time Nokia smartphone user who previously owned Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices. Compared to my previous phones, this one is definitely more responsive. I rarely ever wait for menus to pop up or applications to open. Also, I am big on multitasking, which Nokia does very well. I agree that Symbian requires some time to get used to, but the shortcuts really help. For example, switching applications by holding down the home button is great for multitasking.

The phone itself is sleek and feels good in the hands. It has some weight to it so that it does not feel "plasticky". The thin form factor makes it easy to carry in the pocket. I'm not going to deny it, the light leak does bother me. It is something I am willing to live with, though, because this phone still looks better than the others in the market. The optical nav pad depends purely on personal preference. I find myself switching between the optical and physical button depending on the task. The optical pad is functional. I just find it a bit slow when scrolling down a web page. And Nokia really dropped the ball in making the surrounding D-pad button too high. It makes scrolling optically uncomfortable as you are constantly hitting the edge of the physical button. I really like how the notification light surrounds the D-pad. The white light looks good on the black phone. Much better than having a separate red LED in the corner of the phone. Now, if only that can switch colors...

Call quality is good and I have no had any dropped calls. The one complaint is that the speakerphone is not loud enough. Email on the Nokia is also surprisingly good despite the bad reviews. I feel that it is as much as "push" email experience as the BB. Setup was pain free even for the casual user. I also like how you do not have to open the html version unless you choose to do so using the link on the top of the email. The one thing I miss from the BB is not being able to get all my email accounts and SMS in one folder. Nokia should really consider that. Also the copy and paste feature is not as good as the BB. I still cannot copy text while reading an email. I have to choose reply so that I can get to edit mode before copying. If somebody knows a trick, please let me know.

The Symbian interface is still relatively old-fashioned and boxy. However, that also means it looks less like a toy. I like how the home screen shows the calendar items and to do list. When on the Blackberry, I had to sift through hundreds of themes to find one that accomplished this task. In terms of apps, I still find that the Symbian apps are a step behind the other platforms. At least in the US. I find A LOT of apps out there, but the quality falls short. For example, the Bloomberg app was much more functional on my Blackberry. The Symbian version is just awkward, with no easy way to refresh the data. Nokia does score with Ovi Maps, which is easy to use and very efficient. Hopefully, Symbian won't die out and people will continue developing apps for it.

I cannot say much about the camera as I like using real cameras for my pictures. I took a few as test shots and they came out pretty good. The shutter is responsive, but the flash is slow. When taken in good light, the pictures were crisp with good color. Low light pictures were noisy as expected.

I hope this review gives readers an idea of the usability of the Nokia E72. I admit some compromises were made to switch from my Blackberry, but overall, I am enjoying my experience with the new phone. I think productivity will increase as I gain experience on Symbian. The responsiveness and appearance of the phone really won me over. Plus I cannot stand carrying the same piece of plastic as everyone else.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Buy Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

El Nokia E72 se compró desbloqueado para usar en Costa Rica, con la red ICE. Excelente compatibilidad con la red, excelente desempeño, excelente software instalado, buenas fotos, funciona excelente en telefonía IP. Chat, Correo electrónico, visibilidad de documentos, etc. Toda una herramienta en la oficina y el ocio. Un teléfono que debe estar conectado a internet 24 horas al día.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Purchase Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I had an e-71 and (after substantial firmware upgrading) it was fantastic. The E-72 is even better. The first one that was shipped to me had no battery life. I sent it back and received a replacement. With Push email (Microsoft Exchange) turned on, it wasn't any better. I set the mail update to every 15 minutes and it worked great. After about two weeks I set it back to "Always ON" and for some reason it solved all the battery problems. I have 1-Exchange, 1-Yahoo and 3-Hotmail accounts all with "always on" push mail. I also do a fair amount of internet usage, GPS etc.. Some coworkers use I-Phones for similar usage and are lucky to last the whole day. This E-72 goes 2 or 3 days with intense use. Great software with it, Camera is surprisingly good, Free Maps and Voice navigation.

I was worried it wouldn't be enough of an upgrade from my E-71...but it was.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Order Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I have always been a fan of Nokia phones.. some were good ...others were not... but the E72 is just what I am looking for...
It gives me the ability to do business and be personal at the same time... the features are excellent and for the most part intuitive.
I guess the thing i like about is that full qwerty keyboard makes it really easy and fast and the keys does not get in your way...when responding to email or sending messages... Whatever this phone does not have you can easily install.... facebook, twitter, and the rest of them... works seamlessly..
The battery life is excellent... seems to go on forever... especially when watching music videos or checking out youtube, .. or simply chatting..

Best of all for me.. is that it does not take up a lot of space... its not bulky at all...

Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Where To Buy Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I must agree with other reviewers, E72 looks like a step up from specs perspective, but in reality in does feel and look cheaper (made in China you can tell), has navigation problems (horrible joystick, too hard to press), feels much heavier, software issues as well - neither Ovi nor PC Suite would recognize this phone connected via USB.
And guess what even keyboard shortcuts has changed, it's not possible any more to dial a digit by long press on a corresponding button!Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Shop For Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I was using E71 before and was very happy with it. The only thing i needed was the GPS and navigation functions without using the operators. And this phone has this function besides the others on E71. You can download the maps of the related city very easily from internet before you go there. And you can use these maps in offline mode witouh losing money for the operators. Navigation program in it is really perfect. But on your purchase you have only 10 navigation free.
Also the e-mail function is very useful. You can define a network to receive e-mails when this network is available. For example if you are at home and you are waiting for an e-mail you don't need to watch your laptop or pc, your phone will let you know if you receive new email.
Totally i suggest this phone...
Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where To Buy Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I've been using an old nokia 6600 phone for long. I know, I've been living in the stone age it would seem, and desperately needed an upgrade. I'd been eying this model since the day the news of it's release broke out. I'd been keen and doing my standard research, comparing it to the legendary nokia E71, as dedicated E71 users would like to describe it, and I've been studying rates, making random comparisons with other brands and phone software, interfaces & operating systems.

Somehow, I loved the phone the moment I saw it. It's advanced, savvy, looks very tech, has a glossy finish, it's just impeccably designed. It looks like a business phone in whole. The interface is cool (All apps are easily accessible and quick), my phone hasn't crashed or anything (which most people have been complaining about). I particularly love the NOKIA qwerty keypad, despite so much variety already existing in the market. I love the vibrant screen display, which is a window into this phone's complicated, yet easily accessible world.

I've been carrying it to the office for the past couple of days and it is very impressive. There's a lot of compliments I've received about the looks of the phone and the display from all angles looks fabulous.

The E71 vs. The E72? I think the E72 is a worthy successor to the latter and a winner. This phone has a different interface and despite the less chrome and E71's little more trendy looks relatively, is much better to use. There's not much to say here. I like the individuality of the phone, and have already made my comparisons. You can go ahead and still purchase the E71 for the looks, but in terms of software, firmware, & new applications, there's a lot of activity on the E72. I would also like to add that people need to stop complaining about the build quality of the model. This is a very pretty phone.

The bottom line is, This sleek looking phone was the one for me. Might be the right choice for you too. Just get the feel of the phone before your purchase, at a local electronics store, and I guarantee that if you're looking for great business utilities, overall style & quality, you'll admire this lovely, classy, awesome looking business phone for what it is.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Shop For Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I bought this phone to replace my E71. I thought I would miss the E71 but I haven't felt like that so far. The OS is pretty stable and I think I had to reboot it once since I bought it (>3Months ago). The battery life is incredible...for a phone of this complexity I only need to charge it every 2-3 days even with WiFi, 3G and GPS on (hard to believe but true). The only thing I have an issue with is the mail for exchange software. Gimme a break...you can't see subfolders! That's a joke and I hate to use the often stated comment but..."The iPhone can do it". But all-in-all I'm very satified with the phone.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Purchase Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

Coming from a Windows mobile phone (HTC tilt), I love this phone. I have been considering the Tilt2, but wanted to try something other than a WinMo (I didn't find myself using a lot of WinMo features/apps that called for another similar one). iPhone was out of question as I wanted tethering, better battery life and dedicated keyboard. I have been using it for 3 weeks now and liking it more day by day. Few things before moving to Pros and Cons of the phone - This phone is not for people that like simplicity of touch screen phones (like iPhone). There is a learning curve in using this phone's features and the shortcut keys. But, imo once familiar with the functions/shortcuts one can do things a lot faster than a touch screen phone.
1. Looks sleek and professional. Call quality is excellent and plenty loud.
2. Keyboard feels very good even though the keys are slightly smaller. They have a nice feedback when pressed.
3. Shortcut keys! There are quite a few shortcut keys on QWERTY keyboard to control phone functions and inside applications. While this feature has a learning curve, I found it very useful once learned.
4. Snappy performance. Very fast and responsive.
5. OVI MAPS for Free! - this is simply awesome. Now you can have a GPS with maps for as many countries as you need, for free!. Below is a mini review for this feature to explain it better.
a. The GPS locks on the position very fast while using A-GPS. Most of the time within 10-15 sec I have a lock on the signal.
b. GPS interface is very good and user friendly (I have used the latest Garmin and Magellan).
c. Features include lane assistance, auto zoom in/out based on turns/directions, voice guidance, Speedometer, 2D/3D maps, route overview etc.
d. The map size while getting driving direction is a bit smaller on E72, due to smaller screen. Pretty much only 2x2 inch space is used to show the
map and rest is used for other information. It might look better on Nokias with larger touch screens. In spite of this, the auto zoom in/out makes it
easier to view the map details.
e. I compared it side by side with my Magellan and found it to be pretty accurate. E72 was faster in getting the signals (perhaps due to A-GPS)

6. Wifi - Works wonderfully and connects to my home network with WPA2 security without any problems. Once connected, I can turn off scanning to save battery Life
7. Screen is very bright and readable in direct sunlight.
8. Battery life - I can wait for 3 days (may be 4 if I wait for the phone to die on me) before I have to connect it to charger. I use Push emails (18 hrs a day) and stay connected to my home wireless network most of the time and occasional use of phone for talking. Even with heavy use I expect it to last at least for 2 days.
9. 3.5mm headphone jack
10. Comes with a 4GB micro SD card.
11. Decent 5MP camera and nice outdoor photo quality. Indoor photos are just OK (most cellphone cameras are the same).

1. Screen resolution is not great when compared other similar type phones (E.g. Blackberry bold). Would have been nice to have higher resolution on such a bright screen
2. Speaker phone volume is not loud enough
3. Mail for Exchange - The version on phone is not bad, but it could be better. This is the only application that runs slow on this phone. It takes good few secs for it to open a mail. As it does not load the mail in HTML format automatically, the readability suffers. I had to scroll 2-3 pages to read a few liner mails. Got Roadsync (version 5) for discounted price from OVI store and loving it. It addresses all the problems with Mail for Exchange.
4. Optical trackpad is not very useful (even after setting sensitivity to high). I found using the D-pad quicker.
5. Micro USB connector and shortest cable - the USB cable that came in the box is approx 7inch long. For such highly priced phone it would have been nice if Nokia included a good quality longer cable. Also, I would have preferred a Mini USB instead of Micro. Micro USB feels a bit fragile and I feel like I might break it if I'm a bit careless when connecting. Perhaps, the thinner case was a limitation to include a mini USB.

The phone crashed only once till date and that was when using the Mail for Exchange. I blame it on the application for the crash and not the S60 platform. Browsing experience is not as great a touch screen phone/phone with larger screen. But, there is always a compromise on size vs. features.

Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Order Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

This is just one solid, fast, sexy yet very utilitarian phone. It does everything somebody in the business and outside that field would need. The Camera is great (night is a bit of a problem), CPU is blazing fast, Internet is fast and reliable (when AT&T allows it to be, not the best 3G coverage in NYC area), e-mail: well what's there to say, It usually receives e-mail before outlook does, the best of all I must say is the keyboard which has a solid tactile feedback and enough room for my big fingers.

All in all I would go with this over any BB phone out there.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Buying Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

iPhone 3gs is far better than this phone. Although Apple has only been in the smart phone market for about 3 years but I think they are doing a far better job designing the user interface and etc for the iPhone. I wanted to try this phone out and see if Nokia is still as user friendly as it was. Sadly it is not at all, compared to the iPhone. I think there's too much junks and there's probably a huge learning curve for using the phone. As for the iPhone, I feel like most people even infants would know how to play and navigate around it, the interface is fairly simple. If you have a chance to get the iPhone 3gs at a discounted price, it is a much better phone than this. Even android OS beats the OS they have on the E72. If I am not mistaken Nokia discontinue the Symbian OS after this phone and focus on their Maemo or something like that.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Buy Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I'm a very happy with the upgrades for this phone, the OS interface is neater vs E71 and the Nokia Messanging service makes a breeze the email setup for most common services as hotmail, yahoo, gmail and so on. The 3.5 mm headphone makes the phone useful as an alternative source for your music and radio, since you dont have to use the crappy set that comes with the phone, and use your favourite without worrying about carrying on the adapter. Chat services, as well as facebook and youtube apps work without any problems.
For me, this phone never crashed as other users have stated, perhaps they just have to update the firmware with ovi suite, which is replacing all the stand by itself nokia services. This makes the syncing of your contacts, agenda, mapas, routes, very easy, since all of them are stored on one account as that one of your mail and its free.
The maps work great, the positioning service that nokia uses as alternative to the GPS, make the position acquisition very fast, like google maps. Also the compass makes easier the map reading, if you are not an scout.
The accelerometer has a few use with the phone, but a 3rd party app can take advange of it.
I'm giving four stars because although the keyboard has upgrades like direct shortcuts for BT, light, most common special characters, etc, the general construction, except by the battery cover is not like the metallic body of the E71. I'm not saying this means a less resistant body, in fact is lighter due to this, and less prone to be dented on a fall, but the aesthetics are better on the E71 with its full elegant metal body. It's also fair to say that the brushed aluminium front is less prone to fingerprints, oppositte to that of the E71.
I'm happy with the purchase and compared with another nokia phones as some other from different manufacturers is an excellent option to choose from.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Cheap Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I hope Nokia pays a harsh price for what it has done.

This phone should never have been released to the public. In fact, seeing as what the E71 was, this phone should never have been built. It reeks of cost cutting and business manager interference, where some moron MBA decided they knew what was the best way to bring this phone to market. This is the kind of phone that is a brand killer for any serious user, or any of the long-time Nokia users who know what the brand is supposed to stand for. This isnt one of the crappy little $20 phones they build for verizon because they have to. It's $400, top of the line, supposedly. And it's awful. A disgrace, so let me fill you in on why.

First a few things, just so you know where Im coming from :

1) Ive been a Nokia user for over a decade. Owned probably close to ten different phones. Always eagerly awaited the next one. I know the symbian s60 system pretty well, so my points below aren't coming from someone who doesn't yet understand the phone.

2) My last phone was the E71, which Ive had since it was released. If you are an E71 user, and love that phone like I do, and were just hoping for a few tweaks to make it even better, well, you are going to be immensely disappointed with the E72.

3) If you know nothing of the E71, (or even the E51, or E63) you should still read this, because even if that phone did not exist, the E72 in and of itself is a disaster.

With that, I say : welcome to disappointment centrale! Wow.

This phone ,the E72, unlocked US version, is like a distant [...] cousin or something to the E71. It sort of looks like the E71, but crappier. Right out of the box, feels crappier. Cheaper. You almost know it's made in china before you look at the box and confirm the "telefono hecho en China" (like they thought they could disguise it by writing it in Spanish. Morons.

Let's talk build quality :

So I thought, maybe it feels light and cheaply made because of the plastic, or because the battery isnt in yet. Maybe, right. Well, go to put the battery in - ick, here starts the bad experience with the phone. A flimsy little plastic tab that doesnt really release the battery cover properly. Plus they changed the neat design on the back of the E71 to something boring. And of course, as many have noticed, the back cover does not seat tightly. Yes, it's easier to open than the E71, but with the E71, you NEVER thought that one day the back cover would fail. And it didnt jiggle around. (Yes, this review is going downhill fast.) And the battery life isn't nearly as long as the E71.

Next up, when you look at the back of the phone, you notice this THING jutting out. Ohhh, the camera, which is still only marginally better than the E71 (wont replace your canon, sorry), but now annoyingly bulbous and in the way. Why?

On the side of the phone, the E71 had nice rubbery covers for the usb and memory card - this one, hard plastic, with the motorola style attachment that you can already see coming off months before it finally does. For those like me who want to use this as a modem via usb, but also put it in your pocket...ahh, yes, wait til that breaks off, then gets gunked up with pocket lint. Joy! But even better, try to open these things. You either have to have long fingernails, or use some sort of device to pry it open. Great. This pretty much assures you that you'll drop the phone one day trying to open up the usb tab.

Speaker - incredibly tinny versus the E71. I'm embarrassed by the audio on this thing now. Sad. And they removed many of the really good audio clips, tones, etc, that were on the E71, and replaced them with garbage.

Plug for earphones (headset) - go ahead and try it, then look at what you've done. Yup the plug seats at an angle, which just looks bad. Yes the top of the phone is sloped, but that doesn't mean the jack should go off at an angle.

Four way key - very unpleasant to use (more below on this) - when you click it to the right, it sticks a bit, so if you next go to click to the left, it first clicks to get unstuck, then you can move left. Ridiculous. The center button, complete mush. No click sensation, just a mushy "I think I pushed it in" effect. Horrid. I can only hope that mine is defective, because this is completely unacceptable. But the sharp edge on the thing is by design. And it's awful to use. Did someone think that if they made the edge sharp, they'd force people to use the center optical scroll button?

Main menu keys. This is probably more the fault of a stupid engineer, rather than an MBA. But who knows....on the E71, the four main keys are just that, four individual main keys. On the E71, they aren't. Perhaps it was for visual effect, but the key surfaces are all integrated, melding into a short stumpy capital "I" shape. And when you push one of them, like you often do with Nokia's operating system, you get a soft mushy response. No click. The bottom two have slightly more of a click feel, but the top two are mostly mush. FAIL.

Now, granted the build quality is horrible compared to the E71, but the software, adios mios...the software.

Business phone, right? Yup. E series. Enterprise. Well, this phone will put you out of business if you rely on it. In fact, you just cant rely on it.

Email - with E71, you had two options, with your gmail and yahoo type accounts easily set up and very functional through Nokia Messaging. And your pop mail for work, like I have, could go through the other email system on the phone. Both worked fine, although the mail settings for the pop mail were not actually push, but rather every 5 minutes that it would check, so, no instantaneous email. With the e72, all the mail is routed through nokia messaging. That would actually be great, except one big thing. IT DOESNT WORK most of the time. Even when it does work, there is no option to view mail in HTML. Every single forking email you have to click once to open, then click again to view as HTML. And when you do so, what happens? Every email typically takes 10 to 30 seconds to load, if it loads at all. Disaster, unusable in its current form. Sometimes, when you open the program, and try to delete out your emails...they disappear with the (x) delete key on the side. Sometimes, they dont. Other times, a message that youve already viewed, try to open it again, nothing. NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME.

Optical keypad - had to turn it off after a few days. Here is the problem...no matter how fast or slow or hard or soft you move your thumb across the area, it moves one item. This is NOT the functionality that makes a scrollball/trackball useful. Therefore, it serves almost no purpose. The only reason it is at all useful is that they redesigned the 4way pad around the optical key, with nice sharp edges, and made it really stiff too, so if you have to use it a lot, like I do, eventually it digs into your thumb and is quite annoying. FAIL.

Web browsing - faster in terms of processing a page, and faster for scrolling around. But for some reason, many many times you click on the browser and it just sits, lifeless. You close it, start again, even when it says a decent signal with 3G. Nothing. Most of the time its unusable. Other times, you click on your bookmark...it starts going, then sure enough - invalid server name. Other times, you go to bookmark manager, and sometimes the bookmarks work, and other times, you click on them, and nothing. Plus, the menu items for additional browser menus are screwed up. You use the close button to close one of the window tabs, as you would on the E71, sometimes it closes that window, other times, it closes the whole web browser program and you have to start over. Added skyfire as a workaround, same problem with connectivity. Does not seem to want to pick up the ATT internet signal. FAIL.

Now yes, many of these software issues will likely be resolved with a new firmware update. But when? If a person buys this phone, is already up and running with the E71, and thinks they are going to have a working phone, they are out of luck, so they are stuck with two phones. One, they just bought, but they cant use it because it's totally screwed up. And this is for the lucky people who have a phone with a build quality that, while cheap, isn't defective. I, on the other hand, am going to have to send mine back, because the fourway key is clearly screwy. But do you REALLY think I want to roll the dice with this phone again, given the potential for just receiving another phone with a different set of issues? No, I dont.

This company can't be admonished enough for what they have done with this phone. Please please please, DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE. If you want to go down this road with Nokia, get the E71. The E72 should be discontinued, and we should all get refunds for this turd.

3/3/10 update : finally a firmware update, 3 months after Ive owned the phone. Result - mail still broken, web browser still flawed, phone still an expensive piece of crap. And now it's $70 less than what I paid for it, and freebies thrown in. Can you say RIPOFF? Next update will be when I contact Nokia for a refund/exchange. And one more thing was pointed out on this phone in recent days, to my embarrassment : the earpiece, at the top of the phone, is crooked. How's that for a nice touch?Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Cheapest Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

A little background first. I have used Nokia phones since 1998 and found them reliable and virtually indestructible. I decided to move to a smartphone, no Nokia models were available. My first smartphone ran winmo. It would constantly freeze up and battery life was horrible. I then got a Palm Centro and loved it! It had it's own problems (would reboot randomly and the build quality wasn't great) but overall it was a good little phone. After about 17 months it failed and I couldn't upgrade using my plan. I purchased a unlocked Nokia E63 and was back in the Nokia fold. Build quality was great. When the E72 was announced I decided to go for it. The first reviews from the blogs and tech sites were glowing so I felt good about ordering it. Then the user reviews started....

Build quality problems and the "made in China" complaints made me doubt my decision. Along with other problems.... I received my E72 a little over a month ago and was disappointed in the build quality, especially the loose battery cover. In fact, I went to check out the Blackberry Bold 9700 which was on sale for $89 (after rebate)at Best Buy Mobile. I wasn't impressed with it's build quality either though. Also I was afraid of the AT&T cripple ware that would probably be installed. So I decided to give the E72 a try. I installed my sim and booted up. Push email installed flawlessly and worked great. I suffered none of the problems other users were reporting. I figured I had lucked out and had gotten a "good" one. After a week the loose battery cover settled in and while still not a perfect fit,it was no longer loose. Then week 3 happened...

The first problem occurred while attempting to place a call. The phone would let me dial a number but the call would not complete. Of course I figured it was the (AT&T) network. I then realized I couldn't send text messages either. I did a "soft" reboot and that fixed the problem. A couple of days later, I got the dreaded "space bar doesn't work" problem. Again, a soft reboot fixed this problem. The next day while using the browser, the phone rebooted on its own. Today I got the "buzzing/squeal" problem while talking. Yet again, a restart solved the problem.

In my opinion for what it's worth, I think Nokia released this phone in time for the holiday season without the proper quality control. All of these problems can be fixed by a firmware update. The N900 got one today so hopefully the E72 will receive one soon.

I apologize for the long winded review. Flame on?Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Discount Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I will start by saying that I have been a Nokia user since the first smartphones. I was a huge fan of all of them, but my previous phone the E71 was up until then the best one of all them. The E72 shows improvements on every department, great camera both for day and night shots, excellent GPS even when the Garmin mobile XT doesn't work on FP2 the Nokia Maps does a great job, comes with all the major email clients preinstalled, no more out of memory errors due to the increased phone memory, and a great processor speed upgrade.
I had to look around for clients that used to be standard on my E71 that are not on the E72 (podcast clients,internet radio,IM,etc) but if you cover that gap with 3rd party software this phone does it all.

I have been on the road for the last month and had no need of using another device the E72 has been enough to cover all my needs including VOIP.

I highly recommend this phone, and honestly I haven't found any problems or issues with it.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Right now

Nokia's E72 is an amazing phone. I'm sure a lot of people will find this handset to be worth every cent. Compared with other full-qwerty phones, this E72 rates very highly.

However, the Nokia E71 was a major selling phone globally, but got very little media coverage.

Nokia, the dominant player in the global mobile market, gained mind share in the late 90s the old fashion way...delivering good phones to customers. There was relatively very little talk about Nokia in the press, but a lot of viral word of mouth.

I'm very skeptical of the large media coverage of Apple iPhone, RIM Blackberry and Google Android. I can partly understand RIM's success in that they consistently targeted business users with push email. I've seen people use the iPhone in such a way to make sure that people around notice they're using something that's the current media talking point. I know of a few guys who buy iPhones only to give it to their wife, who use the iPhone for a while and then change to a more robust Nokia phone.

I find that Nokia have a wide range of handset designs that are suited to a larger spectrum of users (teens, moms, young adults, professionals, seniors).

However, some of the good phones seem to lack just "one thing" to attract full blown media blitz...not enough RAM, or lower res camera or keypad size or screen size.

Nokia need to come up with a "cool and complete" phone every once in a while and commit more towards promoting that "cool and complete" model in the media.

Nokia seem to be content to let the sales volumes speak up for some of their popular models (eg N95, E71), but supporting the sales volume with some marketing campaign may help to capture back some of the mindshare and the media space.

Nokia's marketing certainly need to get their act together and put across a conherent message for each phone or range of phones.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Lowest Price Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I bought this phone based on reviews on E71 and my old confidence on Nokia. But Nokia did an excellent job to mess up this phone. I couldn't believe they released this phone with so many software bugs. I was frustrated to set up the email, it was ok at the begining, but after my yahoo email is up and running, I was trying to set up the gmail, and found that all yahoo email configuration got into the gmail account. Then the nightmare started, oh.. my...

Nokia should be a cell phone manufacture, they shouldn't get into smart phone unless they are sure they got some smart people.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Low Price Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

I suspect that guys giving 5 stars are getting paid money which should have gone into development and testing instead.
I have had E65, E71 before this and like others here have been waiting for this half a year.
I was not expecting much .. just a bit faster version of E71.
Sp far I am amazed that they allow this to to pass quality testing
Here are main issues:

1) Psiloc World Traveler - if you are new owner don't touch it !! Once you configure it there is no getting rid of it. Since it is preinstalled you can't even uninstall it. So it keeps bugging me to connect to internet even when I am roaming.
2) Truphone does not work with E72. This was my favorite VOIP application which I was able to use worldwide from any hotspot and call to my contacts directly. Entire VOIP integration is screwed up and you have to download it separately.
3) No Podcasts. I was so used to download my favorite radio programms and listen to them on plane. So now I struggle with Escarpod.
4) Browser is marginally better at rendering pages but crashes every session.

Good stuff:
1) Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail connections seem to be more stable. On E71 they were getting stuck at times
2) Camera is better
3) Google Maps work
4) Fring works
5) Call quality is goodGet more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Save Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black)

Aside from the new exterior design of the E72, the problem I've been having is with the Mail for Exchange feature. I purposely bought this for work, but there seems to be a widespread firmware issue. See here:[...]Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Get it now!

I upgraded from a Nokia E71 (which was an unbelievable upgrade from my previous experiences with Blackberry) and for some reason I was expecting that same leap from the E71 to E72. However, I soon realized, after using my E72 for the past couple days, that the E71 did truly spoil me. The E72 is still no doubt an amazing phone -- along with the E71 and other top Nokias it's still in its own little league above the Blackberries and other smartphones -- but I'll admit I was slightly let down.
If you are looking to buy a Nokia (or any phone) I'd definitely recommend the E72. If you are a huge Nokia fan then fine, upgrade. If you're happy with your E71....then I'd really think about it (or at least get your hands on one in person). The E72 is much faster, camera's awesome, and it's still a beautiful phone. BUT you should know a couple things:

-The construction is not quite as good as the E71. It's a little lighter, with some metal replaced for a sort of heavy hardened plastic. I've heard of the battery panel being loose but I haven't run into the problem. Mine was made in China, while my E71 was made in Finland, although it seems there can always be problems no matter where it's made.
-The optical pad is nice, it takes some getting used to, and it can misinterpret your choice to click any of the sides for a movement occasionally. But overall I'm getting used to it (and if you really don't like it you can always switch it off).
-I do notice the slightest high pitched buzz when the volume is turned up and the sound coming from the other end of the call is on the loud side. The E71 never had this problem. I take it the speakers were either downgraded or because of the extra plastic there's some sort of vibration.

***Overall I'd say if you're looking at the E72 compared to any top smartphone, this is an excelent choice***
IF you're looking at the E72 and E71 side by side, it is THEN that you start to notice the little details that I mentioned above. True, there are a few more plastic pieces than the E71, but when I think about the Blackberries and iPhones, you're never going to get the same quality you got with the E71, and the E72 is just a notch below that.
E72 is a 4.5 star phone. E71 will always be the best phone I've ever owned.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Buy Now

I don't know what other people are talking about. But I just got my E72 in the mail yesterday, and set it all up, and finally got all the settings how I like it. And boy does this phone outperform ANY phone I have had. I installed iSMS for texting, the amazing new you tube application from the ovi store (looks better than any mobile you tube I've seen, even the iPhone), agile messenger and nimbuzz for IM, google maps, tweets60, JoikuSpot for tethering through WiFi!, S60Bible with ESV, DivX Player, FreeUnRAR, SIC! FTP, Calcium (Better Calculator), and of course Opera Mini for those times you just need it. I'm loving this phone, and best of all, it has a SUPER good quality Camera, it takes wonderful pictures with it's built-in auto focus! I was using the E75 for awhile and when I went to the E71... I was VERY disappointed, so I'm definitely glad to get a awesome camera back!

Don't hesitate, buy today!

Sign Free iSMS at OPDA.CN

N. Maniscalco states that the browser doesn't do multiple pages, but it does, you can do up to different pages at a time.
He also states that you can't select multiple messages to delete... well all you have to do is hold down the "shift button" the button that makes a letter capital, and then push up or down on the D-Pad, once you select a bunch you can stop skip one if need and then continue. VERY easy.
Don't listen to people who don't KNOW symbian OS. Until you learn all the ins and outs, you'll never see how good a phone is. There are no ins and outs of other phones too simple like the iPhone, it's just too basic.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Order Now

I've bought a E71 in the past and was happy about it. Great battery life, reasonable price, good keyboard and good quality.

Now with E72 we have the same good features and some improved ones (like the resolution of the camera and screen size).

I'd recommend for anyone that is looking for a reasonable priced, yet powerful smartphone.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Decide Now

Could have been the perfect phone, the reason for me to finally ditch the iphone and get off the expensive data plan.

OH WELL NOKIA, guess you should have made the plug in compatible with Snow Leopard. I'm very very disappointed, after having waited months for this. It almost became my next greatest phone after the E90. I would still use it except the E90 doesn't work on AT&T's 3G freq.

LOUSY CUSTOMER SERVICE. I called Nokia customer service and the tech support said to install isync on my E72. The guy doesn't even know what isync is. He said that he will transfer me to level 2 support, and they will call me back within 24-48 business hours. BUSINESS HOURS??? I forgot to ask whether it was USA time zone or Philippines time zone.Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Immediately

With one word: NO.

After owning and E71 for over a year, which for me was by far the best phone that I have ever used, I was really excited about getting the new E72 since it featured a 600Mhz CPU which seemed to be my main and only issue with the E71. However the CPU was the only upgrade in this unit and almost everything else seemed to be in fact a downgrade. As mentioned by another reviewer this phone has serious stability issues. The FP2 OS is extremely buggy and crashes, reboots and freezes several times a day. Nokia really needs to work on a new firmware to correct this. Below is every quality of the phone that I could think of as compared to the E71.


BUILD QUALITY: Definitely not as solid of a feeling compared to the mostly metal E71. The D-pad feels like cheap plastic and it has some free play. The back cover tends to move occasionally when you are holding the phone to your ear.

SPEAKERPHONE: Very poor quality compared to the E71. There is very noticeable buzzing near the maximum volume, even with high quality music files. Calls on speakerphone at max volume are plain annoying due to the buzzing. On top of that the speaker is not as loud as the one on the E71.

CALL QUALITY: Excellent call quality except at the maximum volume where the call speaker also becomes distorted.

KEYBOARD AND TOUCHPAD: The keyboard feels slightly better than the one on the E71. The buttons seem to give out somewhat of a better feedback. However the E72 is slightly wider than the E71 which makes it a little harder to type on with one hand. The new track pad navigation provides a very inconsistent performance and it is not even close to the one on the newer blackberries. Scrolling up and down is perfectly fine but scrolling sideways becomes an exercise. The good news is that the original directional pad like on the E71 is still there so you can just disable the touchpad if you hate it just as much as I did after a week of usage.

CAMERA: It is still a cell phone camera so keep your expectations low. It takes decent pictures and the quality is about the same as the E71 but with 5 megapixel images and slightly wider lens. The camera application now has built-in panorama mode. Video at 640x480 is plain horrible. The flash on this phone is actually pretty decent. One thing that was very annoying to me is that it uses a very bright focus light(AKA The flash) which makes focusing at macro impossible if you are trying to take a picture of something with brighter colors that reflect more light. There is no way to disable the focus light either, not even in macro mode. Nokia should think about this as well.

BATTERY LIFE: There is simply nothing like it. Except the E71. The battery life on the E72 is also exceptional. I am able to get 2 to 3 days of very heavy usage on it, including 2 to 3 hours of talking, 2 hours of browsing and some text messaging. I have not seen any other phone in this category which gets even close to these stats.

GPS: Works great and it gets a position fix generally within 5 seconds. It seems a little faster than the E71. The E72 also has a compass.


This is the bad part.

FP2: Aside from unifying various internet connections I really did not see much if any of an improvement in this version of the Symbian OS. In fact it features some ugly menu transitions and it has a lot of stability issues. You would get out of memory error with a subsequent freezing at least a couple of times in a day and reboots and total freezes which require battery removal are not uncommon either.

APPLICATION UNLOCK: Yes, the phone is hackable with HelloOX 2 and up.

WEB BROWSER: The browser is definitely improved from the E71 afar as rendering and navigation goes. However I was never able to complete even ONE single browsing session without this thing crashing and just exiting in the middle of something. It would have been great if it did not crash.

E-MAIL: About as bad as the client available on my first T-Mobile Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 2002. Although that one was a little better than what Nokia has provided. It is almost 2010 and Nokia still does not have an e-mail client which supports in-line HTML. The Nokia messaging software and service is plain horrible. After 3 days of usage I just cancelled my account and went to using webmail. It is really that bad and this is unacceptable for a supposed "business" device. As an alternative, I would recommend Emoze. Their software even partially supports in-line HTML. If you have Hotmail, you can download Windows Live for Symbian. It works really well.

PODCASTING & INTERNET RADIO: Missing!!!???! Very disappointing.

SIP CLIENT: Missing!!! The SIP settings are there, but there is no client. So forget about gizmo or any similar service unless you are using a third party client like Nimbuzz or Fring.

OFFICE APPLICATIONS: This is one positive category. Quickoffice features a free upgrade to open and edit Office 2007 documents. Nokia has also added Wpresenter, Multiscanner and Font Magnifier as standard applications.


Overall the E72 is a mixed bag for me. It delivers on speed and the browser is well improved but the stability issues, missing software and some other quirks make this device seem like a downgrade. If I was aware of these issues it is likely that I would have stayed with the E71. So if you are in doubt, my advice would be save your money or at least wait for a firmware update which fixes the stability issues. I hope this was helpful.
Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Best Quality

after having motorola, palm, sony ericsson and other nokia i just have to say this phone is amazing , all its features are the result of years of R&D from nokia.

Highly recommened, you wont stop texting and using it all day long.

Buy!Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) This instant

This is a review of a Nokia E72.

Disappointed. Would not recommend.

Stability -- Terrible. Applications crash or lock up frequently. My max uptime is less than one day. It is trivial to crash this phone. This is with the latest available firmware (as of 20099-12-13) and stock applications. Sometimes the crash is limit to just one app, other times it's the whole phone. Sometimes it locks up hard and the only way to recover is to remove the battery. I've had to pull the battery three times in five days.

Sound quality -- The sound quality during calls is excellent. Plenty loud enough.

Battery -- Battery life is excellent. I can go two days on a full charge compared with one day on my iphone. I'm impressed by the battery life.

Web browser -- The built-in browser does not support tabs or multiple pages of any kind so you may spend a lot of time using the back button. The only real alternative to the built-in browse is Opera Mobile 10, which is in beta and has some significant bugs on the E72 (e.g. the "u" key types an asterisk, "*").

Mail -- I use the phone with both an IMAP sever and an Exchange server. Both work well. I've encountered two flaws. One is with IMAP support. You have no control over where copies of sent message are stored. Unlike most IMAP clients you cannot choose the folder. The other flaw is mass delete. If you have many messages you wish to delete there are three options. Mark all messages in the folder and delete (deletes *all* messages in the folder), delete and confirm each message individually (two clicks per message), or mark each message you wish to delete and delete (requires *five* clicks per message).

Tethering -- I'm impressed how easy it was to tether via USB. Works great with NetworkManager on Linux. No extra drivers needed. When phone asks, choose "PC Suite" mode.

Overall -- It's a good phone when it works. However, it is so unreliable that I cannot recommend it to anyone. Is there hope in a newer firmware (when one is released)? Maybe. Unfortunately, the more I read and ask around, the more I heard that Nokia phones are not known for stability. I'm doubtful. It's pretty clear that Nokia is done with S60 and has moved on to the Maemo platform. Going forward I don't expect them to put much effort into the S60 software.
Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black) Top Quality

I was waiting for this phone since last 6 month after it was announced in Singapore. I had E51 and wanted to upgrade to a QUERTY business phone. I liked E71 and when i was about to buy e71 I found the news of E72.
I was one the first few to purchase this for almost 450$, But i am very happy with it till now. The features i liked most are
1. The digital compass. This is the most essential hardware/software you require if you really want to use GPS.
2. The Optical nav pad, This makes the scrolling really easy and enjoyable.
3. The latest 600 Mhz processor which makes it the best performing mobile.
4. The camera, finally Nokia's cameras are going to be useful. (I never liked Nokia's camera quality).
5. The accelerometer which can be used in step counter software.
6. The host of all the E series features.

Get more detail about Nokia E72 Unlocked Phone with GPS and Free Voice Navigation -- U.S. Version with Full Warranty (Zodium Black).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010