Halloween candy

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cheap Brooklyn's Finest [Blu-ray]

Other reviews offer more detail, this is just a record review to ensure this DVD joins my list of DVDs recommended for people that normally stick to non-fiction reading.

A brilliant convergence with a riveting ending.Get more detail about Brooklyn's Finest [Blu-ray].

Buying The Mel Brooks Collection [Blu-ray]

Great collection, nicely packaged with a coffee table book. Should have included 'Dracula, Dead And Loving It', but a great collection nevertheless.Get more detail about The Mel Brooks Collection [Blu-ray].

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Buy Rambo Box Set (First Blood / Rambo: First Blood Part II / Rambo III ) [Blu-ray]

I have to admit that I was thoroughly surprised on how good of quality First Blood is. So far I have only watched the first movie, but judging that it is the oldest, the others will probably be just as good of picture quality. I was kind of hesitant in buying these because of prior disappointments with older movies on blu ray, but these are very good. There is very little grain, except in dark parts of the film. Much better 1080p quality than Predator or Terminator on blu ray. Stay away from those. The Dvd version of those are just as good. Anyway, these were a great deal getting them for $21 gold box deal. I would highly recommend these to Rambo fans.Get more detail about Rambo Box Set (First Blood / Rambo: First Blood Part II / Rambo III ) [Blu-ray].

Purchase Extraordinary Measures [Blu-ray]

Sure, there are tear-jerker moments in this movie, but it is a true story and I give very high marks to the script writer that condensed a much more complicated history into a very smooth movie.

Every single person in this movie is a star down to the kids and especially the young lady playing the oldest child with the disease, and shame on the sponsors of this movie for not giving Keri Russell more credit--she added class and grace and femininity with a touch of family love and sex that was much needed, or this would have been a fat guy and an angry guy taking on the money vultures.

Super movie, take the negative reviews with a huge grain of salt or even better, ignore them.Get more detail about Extraordinary Measures [Blu-ray].

Monday, June 28, 2010

Order Death Race (Unrated) [Blu-ray]

Death Race consists of painful and unpleasant sensations, a nauseous movie for kids with a mental age of between - 8 and 12 years, obsessed with stupid video games like Twisted Death Metal and Road Smash. Only a 12 year old boy with an upper limit IQ of 10 could find this offensive, moronic, childish nonsense "fun."

Death Race had a lot of guns, gun eye candy, gun flames and gun blow up scenes, but nothing else. The writing was dull and the prison aspect took away from the original story. Death Race fails as sci-fi (a future world or society is not explored).

Overall this movie just gets boring after watching the same cars drive around in a small circle over and over again with no people dying.

I was incredibly let down by this film. This is a phenomenally unintelligent movie.Get more detail about Death Race (Unrated) [Blu-ray].

Where To Buy Battleship Potemkin [Blu-ray]

*5 STARS* for the film, but 1 star for the quality of the product. When I opened my package, I immediately thought it was bootleg and not worth $14.95.Battleship Potemkin (The Ultimate Edition) (2pc) (Full B&W) is highly recommend if you want an official DVD packaging than A2zcds Studios.Get more detail about Battleship Potemkin [Blu-ray].

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shop For Sleeping Beauty (Two-Disc Platinum Edition + Standard DVD and BD Live) [Blu-ray]

I was happy with my purchase. The item was described as brand new on amazon and the item fit that description. It had all the original plastic covering on it and was sealed. I was really happy to be able to purchase this item because you cannot buy it in stores anymore and I really wanted to add this movie to my DVD collection. Thank you seller.Get more detail about Sleeping Beauty (Two-Disc Platinum Edition + Standard DVD and BD Live) [Blu-ray].

Baraka [Blu-ray]

Warning. This review will not be long, it need not be.

Baraka on Blu-ray was by far the most beautiful and humbling thing I have ever witnessed in my life.Get more detail about Baraka [Blu-ray].

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Law Abiding Citizen [Blu-ray] Top Quality

While many of the other reviewers got elitist and moralistic. This is simply a case of a man forced to watch his wife murdered and raped, his child murdered and left for dead himself, so what part of "nothing is too brutal" would you not understand? I thought it was justice taken to the full measure. They had him kill a couple of innocent people so they could justify the ending to the story, but if you make this story real to yourself, then you can feel the rage and need for revenge after the justice system you counted on to do it's job failed miserably. I thought it was a great movie when all is taken into context, but bottom line: It was great ascertainment, I can go to church to get a sermon, this kept me involved from beginning to end. What more could I want for my entertainment $$$.Get more detail about Law Abiding Citizen [Blu-ray].

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World [Blu-ray] This instant

If I were reviewing the standard definition DVD, I would have unhesitatingly given it 5 stars. This is one of my all-time favorite films, based on some of the best books I have ever read. Unfortunately, the bluray is very grainy and not particularly sharp. Frankly, it doesn't look much better than the DVD, which I purchased when it came out a few years ago. Pity, because you couldn't ask for a film that better captures the essence of the Aubrey-Maturin books. I see there are more than 600 reviews of this film, the overwhelmingly majority of which are very positive, so I don't think I can add anything new.Get more detail about Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World [Blu-ray].

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Princess and The Frog (Three Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Immediately

Saw this in theaters with our kids. We all loved the movie, Disney has found thier magic again. I have read some of the critial reviews talking about the dark side to the film. I remind everyone that many of Disney's classics have a dark side as well (Snow White, Black Cauldron, Sleeping Beauty, and more). Overall the movie was delightful and fun, a lot of good teaching moments and laughs.Get more detail about The Princess and The Frog (Three Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo).

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog [Blu-ray] Best Quality

Looking for something quintessential to this new millennium look no further. This is great music, wonderful parody, and simply hilarious.Get more detail about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog [Blu-ray].

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gone with the Wind [Blu-ray] Get it now!

this bluray of gone with the wind was a huge dissapointment because it doesnt take up the whole picture on the tv screen and im talking from side to side not from up to bottom.its like its been put in the middle only and no amount of adjusting your bluray player to fix this will do any good.other movies may show up fine and take up the whole screen but this isnt one of them.its a huge dissapointment to me.especially since the regular dvd release of this movie does take up the whole screen from left to right.the video quality is great but the fact you war watching it like a middle size box in the middle of your tv screen takes away from how good the picture looks.any picture can look good when its condensed like this is.also the bluray is just one disc and doesnt feature anything at all as far as bonus features.Get more detail about Gone with the Wind [Blu-ray].

Verdi: La Traviata Special Edition Blu-Ray - Exclusive Bonus Feature Buy Now

This is a new perfomance of this so so opera (I don't like Verdi very much - I bought it for my parents) and the tenor has a fantastic voice and interpretation. So, if you like Verdi, you will enjoy it very much.Get more detail about Verdi: La Traviata Special Edition Blu-Ray - Exclusive Bonus Feature.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Single Man [Blu-ray] Order Now

The main subject of this beautifully made and shot movie is grief, one that does not dare to speak its name. From the very beginning the viewer is invited into a world of grief which the main hero cannot share with almost anyone else.
George Falconer (absolutely brilliant Colin Firth) learns of his long-term partner's (Matthew Goode good-looking as always) death almost by chance, a distant relative is kind enough to make a phone call, but George is immediately barred from participating in the funeral service. This is "for family only" and a gay partner does not qualify as such. He does not have the right to mourn the beloved person. The only person with whom he can try to share his grief is his British friend Charlie (stunning Julianne Moore) who is sympathetic but as it turns out does not take Falconer quite as seriously as he would hope for. For her the two men's shared life was "a substitute for something else", an idea which Falconer rejects outright.
The movie present only one day of Falconer's life, the day which he planned as his last, unable to cope with grief he can't share, mourning he was denied, he contemplates suicide. But life has much more up its sleeve and the day proves much different from anything Falconer could have planned.
The movie may seem to deal with the past. It is set in 1962 and no effort was spared in the re-making of the US of the days of JFK admistration. But this is not a period piece, the issue it deals with is more than present for many people who live their lifes stuck in closets usually not of their own making. People who are not allowed to reveal their emotions (not necessarily the negative ones) because that would mean revealing much more, something that others refuse to accept.
Tom Ford has a perfect eye for the visual side of the movie-making business, Abel Korzeniowski's score is just as perfect, the casting great. Is there anything more to expect from a movie?Get more detail about A Single Man [Blu-ray].

Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series (with Collectible Cylon) [Blu-ray] Decide Now

This boxed set has been rightly disparaged for the complete lack of an episode list. For your convenience here it is. This is for the blu-ray version, I have no idea if the dvd's are the same.

S1 D1
The Miniseries

S1 D2
Bastille Day
Act of Contrition
You Can't Go Home Again

S1 D3
Six Degrees of Separation
Flesh and Bone
Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
The Hand of God

S1 D4
Colonial Day
Kobol's Last Gleaming 1 & 2

S2 D1
Valley of Darkness
The Farm

S2 D2
Home 1 & 2
Final Cut
Flight of the Phoenix

S2 D3
Pegasus (extended cut)
Resurrection Ship 1 & 2

S2 D4
Black Market
The Captain's Hand

S2 D5
Lay Down Your Burdens 1 & 2

S3 D1
Exodus 1 & 2

S3 D2
A Measure of Salvation
Unfinished Business

S3 D3
Unfinished Business (extended cut)
The Passage
The Eye of Jupiter

S3 D4
Taking a Break From All Your Worries
The Woman King
A Day in the Life

S3 D5
The Son Also Rises
Crossroads 1 & 2

S4.0 D1
He That Believeth in Me
Six of One
The Ties That Bind
Escape Velocity
The Road Less Traveled

S4.0 D2
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Sine Qua Non
The Hub

S4.5 D1
Sometimes a Great Notion
A Disquiet Follows My Soul
A Disquiet Follows My Soul (extended cut)
The Oath
Blood on the Scales

S4.5 D2
No Exit
Someone to Watch Over Me
Islanded in a Sea of Stars
Islanded in a Sea of Stars (extended cut)

S4.5 D3
Daybreak 1, 2 & 3
Daybreak (extended cut)

And, on a disc by itself, the movie "Razor"

You're welcome :)

Get more detail about Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series (with Collectible Cylon) [Blu-ray].

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunshine [Blu-ray] Right now

What a marvellous, but flawed, piece of cinema. Flawed in a good way, like a flawed hero: flawed in a way that makes it all the more necessary to see.

Sunshine, like the name of the spaceship it centres around ("Icarus II" - it being number II is just inspired - implication: haven't you learned your lesson?) has large elements of Greek tragedy and human hubris: it is probably no accident that the premise of the film is quite preposterous: that a small band of humans are sent to kick-start the dying sun by firing a nuclear device "the size of Manhattan" at it. No matter that the sun, itself really just a giant nuclear reactor, is billions of times the size of Manhattan - a point repeatedly made by Danny Boyle in establishing shots of the spaceship, and the planet mercury, dwarfed by the colossal inferno that the crew are flying towards.

Boyle's cinematography is exquisite: there are number of timeless set pieces which convey utterly the forlorn weediness of homo sapiens in the face of the almighty grandeur of the cosmos. Elsewhere the screen rendering is inventive and at all times eloquent and elegant. There is some amusing implausibility embedded (and not just the film's very premise: for example: gravity seems to come and go with air pressure), but none which can't be happily thrown into the suspended disbelief bucket for a couple of hours. This is a very thoughtful and stylishly composed film, and one that would render far more impressively on a cimema screen than at home on a television (which, alas, is where I saw it). The music is intelligent, too, with reminiscence of Brian Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks.

That's not to say it is massively coherent: perhaps by deliberate intent, Boyle poses big questions but is less interested in answering them. This is a time-honoured tradition in "intelligent science fiction" of course - some would say it's a characteristic of the very best films in the genre (for example Solaris and 2001: A Space Odyssey, both of which Sunshine resembles in significant ways).

That said, and for all its visceral beauty, in Sunshine it is often difficult to make out exactly what is going on, or why. Icarus II experiences malfunctions which necessitate two astronauts taking a space walk to assess and repair damage: it isn't clear what caused the damage, how they're getting along with fixing it, or why events transpire they way they do. There are several plot developments which aren't sufficiently trailed, and it felt to me that this was a case of rushed exposition rather than design. While there are no obvious flaws in the special effects as presented, you do get the sense they've been filmed carefully so as not to over-expose their limitations: blurring, jarring jump-cuts, lens flare and so forth are creatively employed. As a result, you have no choice but to let the ambiguity and incoherence wash over you and enjoy the film for the questions it asks and the images it presents, rather than a coherent statement of a narrative arc.

This becomes harder to do as the film reaches its conclusion, where it becomes more character and plot driven than in the early exchanges. Here the rushed exposition does let the film down: None of the characters are particularly well expounded (there is an early fight between two of them that is never explained), and a little bit more attention to back story might have helped clarify the narrative intent. Sunshine isn't an overly long film, and you do sense a "director's cut" adding in some of this back story would make a difference. Searle's character, for example, definitely had more scope for depth than was ultimately expounded, and more attention could have been paid to the plight of Icarus I.

The Amazon readership has marked Sunshine very harshly: Perhaps they expected something like Armageddon: This is definitely at the other end of the science fiction spectrum. It is a film which would repay re-watching for sure.

Olly BuxtonGet more detail about Sunshine [Blu-ray].

Lowest Price The Secret of the Grain (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Abdel Kechiche's heartfelt attempt to render the difficulties and vicissitudes of the Arab minority experience in contemporary France is an admirable and engaging one, at least initially. For the first half of what transpires to be an overlong engagement (at two and a half hours), he's quite adept at delineating the minute emotional and psychological registers of his characters in a style reminiscent of Cassavettes. There's a strong pull in the way the predominance of close-ups and streams of rambling, continuous and naturalistic dialogue propel the viewer into an almost claustrophobic intimacy with the lives of Slimane's immediate and extended family members. One very good payoff inherent in this approach are the numerous suggestions of deeper emotional interests barely withheld even while words are ostensibly offered as honest indicators between people, which does much to contribute a charged and vibrant texture to their various interactions.

Unfortunately, this rather heightened naturalism is drastically compromised by Kechiche's shift into unsuccessful melodrama, by way of crudely manipulating plot mechanics to forcibly generate suspense and push the emotional temperature, convincingly delineated up to now through ample character development, in a cliched and much less satisfying direction for the film's remainder. It's a shame, as it has the effect of belittling so many of the outstanding performances his wonderful cast contributes to make the film memorable, and which not least earn much of our sympathies along the way. The complexities of the relationships which he so carefully orchestrated and which served to move us legitimately, get sadly displaced by contrived events which eclipse this previously far richer focus by substituting a suspense thriller gambit: will things end in total disaster... or can they be saved?

This seems like dishonest filmmaking since throughout the film, Kechiche has readily suggested some of the ways which could possibly work against Slimane's plans to successfully operate his restaurant boat, and some of these are presented quite clearly as tantalizing possibilities. However (and without revealing the ultimate fate of the restaurant's inaugural evening party), what appears as impending failure is entirely due, not to contingencies of personal, social or political elements in conflict with his plans, but sadly an unnecessary creative interference imposed by nothing more than a scriptwriter's decree: an artificially generated happenstance which derails everything.

As if this weren't enough, Kechiche additionally forces the pathos needlessly by introducing yet a second incident, which not only further dashes Slimane's hopes, but unfortunately marks the film's entry into an unsubtle realm of allegory, with the action suddenly taking on obvious metaphorical meanings, an approach that has been heavily (and heavy-handedly) favored in films by Makhmalbaf, and which make his films relentlessly unsatisfying. And so the film quickly devolves even further into one in which the diminishing returns are painfully drawn out for the remaining hour or so, with fully predictable results.

By forcing a symbolic dimension on his character's plight rather than maintaining his earlier naturalism, Kechiche effectively eradicates the conviction previously established in his efforts to raise our consciousness about the human condition, through a fair range of many foibles and attributes of character generously displayed. To be fair, there is some last-moment evidence (on the part of some of the characters) of the lengths which the human spirit willingly contributes whatever efforts possible to salvage an impending disaster, but an ability to come across as genuinely moving has already been undone.

Considering the personal cost for Slimane in realizing his project, Kechiche's ill-judged narrative choices aren't just a major disappointment merely because he opted to apply the kind of cheap plot devices all too typical of the dramatic expediency found in Hollywood films. In this light, it appears an act of disregard for his earlier humanism and hard-won truths, so it's an especially ethical disappointment as well.Get more detail about The Secret of the Grain (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray].

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Discount G.I. Joe: The Movie (Special Edition) [Blu-ray]

In the wake of the original Transformers animated movie, comes this, the GI Joe animated movie. Action, characters, pacing, and performance are all top notch, and
the production is world class as well.

"Big" movies like this are no longer done. They are usually truncated financially and creatively to limit the budget, and to save money. GI Joe is
one of the last movies done in this 'stellar' fashion. I cannot recommend it enough!

I'm happy about the Blu Ray/DVD combo, as more people are moving toward Blu ray and don't want to NOT have a regular dvd as well. (not everyone has Blu ray)

As a fan of world class movies, I can honestly and wholeheartedly recommend Gi Joe the MOVIE to you. Better this than the 'not so great' live action one that came out recently.

This movie gets 5 stars, thumbs up, and a top notch world class recommendation.

Superb!Get more detail about G.I. Joe: The Movie (Special Edition) [Blu-ray].

Cheapest Everlasting Moments (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

There's something almost too clean and perfect about Jan Troell's depiction of life in Sweden in the early 1900s. The film depicts the poverty and the troubles of one ordinary working class family, a family whose struggle to get by isn't helped by a violent father, a dock worker and labourer, whose drinking binges gradually come to terrorise the family, while his carrying-on with barmaids bring down the family name. Seen through the eyes of their daughter Maja Larsson, it's almost as if the worst horrors are kept private, the film's tasteful lighting, sepia tints and sensitive piano score from Matti Bye only adding to the impression of a somewhat idealised depiction of events that really aren't that pleasant at all.

In the end however, and even throughout, the strength of the film is indeed in its subtlety, in its refusal to appeal to the viewer's sentiments in regard to poverty and brutality of an underprivileged upbringing, and instead focus on the positive aspects of family togetherness and their attempts to rise above their troubles. In narrative terms, it's done with great sensitivity and subtlety through the device of the mother Maria Larsson's discovery of the miracle and beauty of photography and a deep friendship that she strikes up with the owner of a photography shop - two events that help her create for herself a life of her own.

The real strength however is in the performances that get to the heart of the characters and the times they live in. All of them are exceptional, but particularly from Maria Heiskanen, who delicately captures the nuances of a remarkable range of emotions that her character must undergo, all of them suppressed by the need for propriety, for her inability to understand the emotions that arise within her, and simply from a strict upbringing that doesn't allow their expression - but woe betide the person who takes that surface impassivity for weakness.

The gorgeous cinematography, the film's wonderful lighting and colour tints come across exceptionally well on the UK DVD release. Only fixed subtitles which are very small indeed spoil the overall impression. Dolby Digital 2.0 and 5.1 audio mixes are available. Extra include a Photo Gallery and a half-hour making of feature Troell Behind The Camera, which looks at the original true story that the film is based on with some of Maria Larsson's original photographs.Get more detail about Everlasting Moments (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray].

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Buying Valentine's Day (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)

Garry Marshall is no Robert Altman (or even Richard Curtis for that matter) and "Valentine's Day" is no "Love Actually" (or even "He's Just Not That Into You"). This is an amusing little film with some giant name stars. If you love watching bright shiny superstars playing themselves then this is your movie. It doesn't really have a heart or anything important to say about love but some of the humor does work and the beautiful Los Angeles setting helps wash it all down. It's totally harmless but there is a lot better out there. It's a great date film regardless.Get more detail about Valentine's Day (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy).

Buy The Lovely Bones [Blu-ray]

So I wrote a review of this film the night I first saw it at a sneak preview here in Portland, Oregon on January 12, 2010. Unfortunately, I had written it directly into a text box, and never saved it along the way. So my review is lost for now. However, I did purchase the DVD and anticipate a final summation of the film, separate from the book at some point.

I believe that Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones" is one of the most remarkable stories and also one of the greatest publishing feats in my lifetime. 40,0000,000 copies sold well before the film even went into production. The novel has been translated into 28 language. It sat ON the NY Times TOP TEN fiction seller's list for 54 weeks straight. That's more than a year! No one accomplishes that these days... not even Stephen King or other pop fiction writers. With no doubt, Sebold's novel will remain within my top 10 reading experiences ever. Please go out and buy it. In the meantime, based on the sneak preview in Portland, our film critic, Shawn Levy, a much heralded film critic across this country, shared his insights into the FILM in our state newspaper the very next day; he stressed he had never read the book.

I am chiming in here by sharing the letter I wrote for publication in "The Oregonian" a day after Levy's review hit the stands. I hope for those of you who have read the book or have seen the movie - but not both - that my letter helps to draw some distinguishing facts about this DVD, the history behind production and how I'm still on this horrible fence trying to turn something I'm frustrated by into something definitively more OR less meaningful to me.

I feel privileged to have Mr. Levy living in my city. He understood key themes and managed to fill in gaps in the film based on his intuition, intelligence and his keen eye for knowing when a scene has ended up on the cutting room floor, even though he never read the book.

"Mr. Levy's Take on 'The Lovely Bones'"
Levy fan, here, for years. BUT, the film is rated PG13, not R - which weighs HUGE significance in what ended up on screen and what was omitted. I'm happy to have come across Levy's review, which is by his admittance, a review of the film and that he is unfamiliar with the source material of Alice Sebold's immeasurably successful novel. Some books are meant to stay just that; books. Brave Jackson took on the adaptation, but the film does not stand on its own. It tries, desperately to rush everything from the book onto the screen with a rather embarrassing lack of confidence, fluidity or true closure. I followed everything I could about the production of the film. Too many hands in a cookie jar. Too many compromises. For the average viewer not familiar with the book, I'll assume very few will see it for what Jackson haphazardly tried to message (though Levy surprisingly culled out what must have been left on the cutting room floor as he pieced it together and for the most part, was correct!).

First, it's a fable, folks. If not seen in that light, the viewer won't walk away with even part of what the novel accomplished. The film captures a time and place that is resonant for any parent in suburban 1970's or children who grew up at that time, too. The most commonly misconstrued notion of this story is that it's all about a serial pedophile. In fact, the book is steeped in the culture of sex in the 70's. The characters are drawn from a time and place in our country where households became more and more insular after the radical 60's. Families held many secrets from one another, and often lived two lives (how about those car-key swapping swingers parties and then taking the children to church on Sunday?). The plot keenly captures the politics and dynamics of a family and a community, deepened and fully disclosed through the naiveté of the story's protagonist, an innocent 14-year old girl who is brutally raped and murdered within 10 minutes of the start of the film (or a few pages into the novel).

Over the proceeding years, she watches over her family as it splinters and mends and becomes something she first does not try to understand, then resists when her loved ones change over time and she isn't, and finally only when she accepts the fate that rests within each and every other character does she obtain closure. How universal are those themes?!? Jackson's filing down of the story to an "emotional thriller" (his words) -- "with supernatural elements" (again, his words during production) -- is appalling. His interpretation would have been fine... had he not continued to flush what he brought to the screen with his poor pick-and-choose methodology of the source material, perhaps he could have made something of his own. I think of screen adaptations where a director and screenwriter achieve greatness from a book that was less than extraordinary. Think the horrid, flat novel "Fried Green Tomatoes". Now think: How did the movie nail everything quite perfectly when the source material was so poorly written that they really aren't comparable? Same can be said for Rick Moody's excellent book "The Ice Storm" when the adaptation took the story miles away in terms of real impact for the film viewer. Jackson failed in his mission, and ironically did so after desperately trying to faithfully translate the novel to screen. This film was in the can and ready for a December 2008 release. Much tinkering, debate and ego bruising in Hollywood saw this film remain in the editing room for another 13 MONTHS before it finally hit screens. Come on. The more hands on anything simply dilutes the final delivery of the finished "product.

BTW, Heaven, Mr. Levy, is not to be confused by 40 million readers who commonly identified -- through language, life, geography, culture, religion and spirituality, with the "In Between". Hence, the power of "The Lovely Bones." [END]

So there you have. My review would actually point out the following:

Hugh Jackman didn't bite at playing the father which is great, but I wish they had stuck with Ryan Gosling in the role during preliminary shooting instead of mutually agreeing he was too young looking for the part. (Hello, can't that be said for every single film Leonardo DiCaprio EVER has made????). Heck, Rachel Weisz' part is so walk-through, they should have fired her and found Ryan a match (which they originally had been considering Helen Hunt as the mother). Bringing Walberg in? Wow. You could tell that actor that everyone in his family drop dead of simultaneous brain explosions and he'd still look like someone splattered menthol on his eye lashes to make him "cry". His performance was so uneven, it was embarrassing. Stanley Tucci was brave to take on the role of a pedophile killer, but did so to create one of the most memorable (if creepy) characters on screen in the past year or more. Saiorse Ronan was BORN to play the part of Susie Salmon. I cannot imagine any young adult actress who could have pulled off what she commanded. Watch her facial ticks and listen to her vocal tonations, match your ears to the cadence of her voice, and how she can express 20 different emotions within a three minute scene, and do so without uttering an actual word. Just shifts in her body, her eyes, her stance, the wisping away of a hair in her eyesight, her flinch or uncertainty. Her total lack of being comfortable where she is. No "child" actor has pulled off such range since Haley Joel Osment starred in "The Sixth Sense". Susan Saradon played a stock character, but at least wasn't too cloyingly boring. Picking an actress who in real life is actually is SIX years older than Ronan to play her "younger" sister... uh, I can't even go there, though I enjoyed seeing Rose McIver in a larger part of a major movie.

Then there were the scenes literally dropped to the editing room floor that were very key in understanding motivations, background characterization and a more dense, yet explainable story on film. Parts dropped I will not go into detail here and spoil the novel. But Rachel Weisz, Michael Imperioli, the character of Ray Singh's completely missing mother, Ruana, and actress Carolyn Dando's role... they ALL were substantial to the storyline. They should have been included or left in. They connect such significant plot lines.

See, here's the takeaway. Jackson didn't own his own story. His choices in what was left out versus in, the poor manipulation of Sebold's time line and attempting to create THREE different endings (and USE THEM ALL!!?!??), rather than use the expertise of Sebold's wonderfully closed ending were all just bad decisions. I'd still rate the movie 3 stars since the rest of the crap on our t.v. and theater screens sucks far more than this failed attempt at retelling the contents of Sebold's dense, real and surreal novel. Oh, and for every review I see on here where people gripe about "Heaven" or "Pedophile" or "Boring" or "I just didn't GET it" or too many "CGI" effects, read the novel since you clearly didn't understand what was presented to you or why. Not necessarily your fault, but criticizing something that collectively is cohesive for many others, well, that's odd. It is not "Heaven" it is the "In Between" and if you don't like character driven movies that don't end in explosions everywhere or really sophomoric humor, then don't pick a DRAMA and then pee all over it. Wow.Get more detail about The Lovely Bones [Blu-ray].

Friday, June 18, 2010

Purchase The Natural [Blu-ray]

Roy Hobbs' path to glory cut down by a psychotic woman -- years later, he gets his boyhood bat (thanks to the cool flashbacks for the audience participation) and gets onto the New York Knights, a last place team with their only ambition to not lose too much. Thanks to Hobbs' skill (played masterfully by Robert Redford, in his gosh-darn-it style) the team comes together and gains confidence.

That is, until he meets Kim Bassinger and all heck breaks loose. Will Hobbs be able to save the team, win the pennant and help out Pops? Or will the gamblers and crooked owners take the goods? His naivete' gets in the way a lot in this film, so much so that I as a viewer are going 'dummy'! to the screen!

Quite a tale of intrigue, not enough baseball, but lessons learned in this 1984 film. Great to see Redford, Bassinger and Glenn Close.

The director's cut adds only six or so minutes to the film, other than that, recommended two hours of your life well-spent!

Other Redford Recommendations:

The Horse Whisperer
The Candidate
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)Get more detail about The Natural [Blu-ray].

Order The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day [Blu-ray]

The only thing that makes this movie any good at all is Billy Connolly and his character's whole backstory. That is the ONLY thing that got me through this movie. The acting in this film is GHASTLY. The reviewer that said this deserves a place on Mystery Science Theater 3000, had it spot on. I cringed through most of it. I can not believe how bad this was. I don't even care if I write a bad and/or unhelpful review. I just want to complain how awful this movie was. I'll stick with the original, thank you, and forget I ever watched this.Get more detail about The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day [Blu-ray].

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where To Buy Dear John [Blu-ray]

I am not a huge movie critic and tend to find the positives in just about every dreadful film I watch. But, I HATED this! Channing Tatum did provide some much needed eye-candy throughout...but that's the only good thing I can think of. This movie leaves you wondering too...not a good idea when it comes to love stories. Two, big thumbs-down for "Dear John."Get more detail about Dear John [Blu-ray].

Shop For The Leopard (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

The Leopard was thought the greatest novel of the century by William Golding.The part of Don Fabrizio ,the Prince of Salinas, was originally ear-marked for Olivier or even Brando by Visconti. The Fox studio only agreed to make it if Burt Lancaster was given the role. Reportedly, Visconti called him a 'gangster' and treated him harshly, but they were to become lifelong friends. Now nobody else could have done justice to the role. Lampedusa was recalling a world of lost content, his aristocratic childhood. The Palermo palace he lived in as a child had been destroyed by American bombing in the second world war and the family's country villa was reduced to rubble by an earthquake. Feelings of nostalgia produced the novel based on his great-grandfather's world,a world that is depicted aspassing with the rise of the movement of unification and democracy under Garibaldi, and the constitutional monarchy of Victor Emmanuelle in the 1860s.The Leopard of the title, is depicted on the prince's coat of arms but also refers to aristocrats living in their lost paradises as lions and leopards who in their passing are to be replaced by jackals and hyenas. Sicily is depicted as a land of perfection suffering successive waves of invasion, the invaders all being absorbed(Greeks,Spanish, Arabs and Normans).Don Fabrizio himself, is based on Lampedusa,who Lancaster captured in his portrayal.

The film starts magnificently with the storming of Palermo by Garibaldi's army.The injection of action vigorously displays the period of the Risorgimento with an epic sweep setting up the extravagant and grandiose style to come. We see the Prince(Lancaster),shaving, and looming up in his mirror, his nephew, Tancredi(Delon) saying he is going to join the rebellion with his uncle's blessing. We observe how Tancredi's allegiances shift like the wind, as he always wants to come out on top. His credo like his uncle's is: "Things will have to change in order that they remain the same". This becomes like a coat of arms prefiguring a survival plan.The middle section shows the trip to their hilltop estate in the village of Donnafugata.The family are seen being made welcome by the mayor, Don Calogero,one of the noveau-riche, and with the dust of their journey on them, they go straight into Mass. The scene where they are in their pews-cubicles, and the camera traverses the whole family's dusty faces,revealing them as the relics of an outworn system. Calogero, the nouveau-riche mayor,is a self-made entrepreneur of peasant stock. He comes to the Prince's residence awkwardly in top and tails, but he produces the jewel of his daughter, Angelica(Cardinale), who arrives in the main room like a vision of the future. Her and Tancredi immediately bond and are soon engaged through the manipulations of the Prince. Don Fabrizio knows he must sacrifice his own shy daughter,Conchetta, to engender the continuation of his lineage. Tancredi is an image of his youth,but without the loveless marriage he has known. Asked by an ambassador to become a senator,he puts forward the name of DonCalogero instead. He knows his time has passed. They need someone who can unite private wishes with vague public ideals.

In the last part of the film there is the magnificent ballroom sequence where we truly get the changing of the guard. The Prince is a pale shadow of his former self, shown to be a marginal figure. He rises to his former majesty one last time, in a waltz with Angelica, a concession of defeat. He then walks home alone instead of getting a carriage.What is noticeable in a film in which nothing much seems to happen is revised with further viewings knowing the historical background and political changes. Lancaster,is the fulcrum of power and dignity that controls and unites the film, suggesting physical presence and animal grace; also a sense of melancholy, mortality and resigned nobility with the passing of his feudal class. There is an opulent splendour in the sets and locations, an eye for painstaking detail. The cinematography is a vivid mixture of bright, dusty exteriors and chiaroscuro interiors, combined with Rota's lush music and Visconti's painterly compositions and theatrical framing. The film,preferably the Italian version with subtitles, is a masterclass in turning great novels into great films.

Get more detail about The Leopard (Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray].

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chuck: The Complete Third Season [Blu-ray]

In its superb third season, "Chuck" continues its highly entertaining blend of drama, comedy, and romance. At Season Two's end, nice guy computer nerd and CIA asset Chuck Bartowski (Zachary Levi) uploaded into his own brain a new, improved Intersect which not only restored his ability to "flash" on espionage information, it also provided access to new skills. As he told his CIA handler Sara Walker (Yvonne Stahovski) and her NSA partner John Casey (Adam Baldwin) at the time, "Guys, I know Kung Fu."

In Season Three, Chuck, no longer an accidental tourist in the espionage world, embarks on a bumpy, uncertain journey to becoming a full-fledged spy. This journey involves a painful Catch-22. Chuck must succeed in becoming a spy to stay close to Sara Walker, his erstwhile bodyguard and romantic interest, but each step towards spyhood seems to take him further away from the decent, honest guy that Sara secretly cherishes.

At the beginning of Season Three, Chuck makes two critical mistakes: He disappoints Sara and he flunks spy school. In search of second chances, Chuck must accept tutoring from the experienced, ruthless CIA agent Shaw (Brandon Routh in an extended guest role), a man with questionable intentions toward both Chuck and Sara. Chuck will also suffer hilarious difficulties in keeping his real and spy lives separate. New brother-in-law "Captain Awesome", best friend Morgan, and Chuck's co-workers at the BuyMore become entangled in spy plots, while Team Bartokowski members Sara Walker and John Casey experience some surprising personal and professional challenges.

Season Three was originally programmed for thirteen episodes before being extended to nineteen. Lucky "Chuck" fans will thus be treated to two excellent season finales. In the first, Chuck will resolve his conflicts with Shaw and with Sara. In the second, Chuck's spy life will collide with his family life in a game-changing way.

"Chuck: The Complete Third Season" is most highly recommended to fans of the series.Get more detail about Chuck: The Complete Third Season [Blu-ray].

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus [Blu-ray] Review

Basically your enjoyment of the movie comes down to this

- If you love Terry Gilliam's fantasy films, you will love/like this one.
- If you don't like his fantasy films (or any of his films) don't bother.

I for one loved it. It is a fitting final film for Heath Ledger (who played the Joker, and passed away halfway through the filming) as well another masterpiece by Terry Gilliam. It may not be as brilliant as Brazil, Baron Munchhausen, Fear and Loathing, or 12 Monkeys, but it is definitely good . . . from the point of view of someone who loves his films.

So, if you love his films, this one is worth your time.Get more detail about The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus [Blu-ray].

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ninja Assasin [Blu-ray] Top Quality

Movie was really great with a lot of action and hold on to your seat thrills. I would really recommend this---a keeperGet more detail about Ninja Assasin [Blu-ray].

Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance/Oldboy/Lady Vengeance) [Blu-ray] This instant

First off you should know that yes, those people posting here do actually have copies of this set in their possession. Perhaps it is BEST if I do not post where you can BUY this set. Anyways, there is the deal with this saying it is an 8-disc set when it is really a 4-disc set. That has been cleared up. The DVD set is 8, the BluRay is 4. This has the trilogy in all its brutal and beautiful glory. I suggest picking this gem up before the inevitable re-makes hit the US market and these become impossible to get. Everything looks great and sounds great although some of the audio has been compromised to make room for other features. If you have not seen this trilogy, trust me, just buy it. It is worth it. These films are incredible. The story-lines and artistry will have you diving for the rewind button several times. Absolute classics. Five stars.Get more detail about Vengeance Trilogy (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance/Oldboy/Lady Vengeance) [Blu-ray].

Monday, June 14, 2010

M (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray] Immediately

A man is killing children and using modern forensics techniques, the police are after him.

That's the story of M...which regrettably tells a tale that remains all too familiar today.

Featuring a haunting performance by a much younger Peter Lorre, this film follows the chase as the killings mount and the police draw closer to their suspect.

Though the Fritz Lang who made this film lacked the same kind of resources he had when making his epic masterpiece Metropolis, the sparseness of special effects (including sound, then itself considerd a special effect) actually works in favor of the piece's realite and only serves to make it all the more chilling.

If art is something that evokes a response in all who see it, then perhaps great art is art that continues to perform its artistic mission even generations after its creators are gone.

M is therefore great art. And this reproduction is a must see, even over the last Criterion release of the same film.Get more detail about M (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray].

Victory at Sea Deluxe Edition [Blu-ray] Best Quality

Victory at Sea is hailed as one of the finest documentaries ever made especially one of the great WWII documentaries that everyone else tries to top. The series detail is written here as far as the details though however limited. 26 episodes 1/2 hour in length airing during the 52 - 53 television season on NBC. The film is entirely in black and white.

The series is presented on 4 blu-ray discs which with the capacity of blu-ray I thought they would be able to put this on two discs. I've searched the web and I am unable to find any detailed information as to what we're getting in this package, hey it's not even listed on the company's web site. The company Periscope Films does state however that they give the finest treatment they can when releasing DVDs. So, I'm hoping for a most excellent black and white transfer (on the level of the movie Young Frankenstein) along with a 5.1 or 7.1 audio track for each episode. I also hope that the individual episodes will be complete even though on the original DVD release I could not tell if there was anything missing. I would not miss the introduction by Peter Graves aboard the USS Aircraft Carried Intrepid (Mission Impossible fame - no relation to Leonard Graves series narrator); however, if they do include it please include as a option. I would if possible like an isolated score track in either 5.1 / 7.1 on every episode.

Hopefully this series will get here the lasting treatment it deserves; however, if not then I will be returning this to Amazon and keeping my original DVD release. However, if you've never owned this series then by all means add this release to your library, you won't be disappointed. If I do keep this set then I plan on giving the original release as a gift to my church library. In fact maybe we should recycle the DVD release and give it to our neighborhood schools are community library. I'm sure in this economy they would be most appreciative and then everyone can enjoy this fantastic series.
Get more detail about Victory at Sea Deluxe Edition [Blu-ray].

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life [Blu-ray] Get it now!

they must really think americans are stupid. i can't think of any other reason why they would change the narrator or script for the american version. do yourself a favor and buy the bbc version with david attenborough. if you enjoy being spoken to like you are a child then get the oprah version.Get more detail about Life [Blu-ray].

Doctor Zhivago Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray Book) Buy Now

The standard DVD edition of the 45th Anniversary Edition of "Doctor Zhivago" is a work of sacrilege. For some ungodly reason, the movie is spread out over both sides of Disc 1, rather than being spread out over 2 discs (ala GWTW, etc.). Since I've never had a double-sided disc that didn't arrive damaged, you're wasting your money if you buy this one. Releasing a DVD of one of the greatest movies of all time in this condition is unforgivable.Get more detail about Doctor Zhivago Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray Book).

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Spy Next Door (Two-disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo) Order Now

Saw this film in the cineplex. It was a lot of fun and I would recommend it for family viewing and for adults who want to watch a feel-good movie. It was just the type of fun flic I needed to watch at the time and I enjoyed it immensely. We all need to laugh more and not take the world so seriously. George Lopez and Billy Ray Cyrus added to the fun.Get more detail about The Spy Next Door (Two-disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo).

Fantastic Mr. Fox (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy) Right now

This is one of the best films of last year. The dialogue and characterizations are wonderful. It is perfectly cast and the stop motion and music track are amazing. The combination of Roald Dahl and Wes Anderson is inspiring. I hope they "collaborate" in the future.Get more detail about Fantastic Mr. Fox (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy).

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lowest Price The Crazies [Blu-ray]

I love Romero, especially some of his not too often seen movies like The Crazies (original) and Martin.
So we get an updated version, a more glossier, edgier, scarier update of the Crazies, i for one am not up for classics being remade. I just know somewhere down the line John Boorman's classic Deliverance will be remade unfortunately and Sleep Away Camp.

Anyways, this remake was actually enjoyable, as I do like the actors, Timothy Olyphant plays small town Iowa Sheriff, where people start acting in strange manners and soon whole town is in a pandemic except for a few who aren't affected like the sheriff, his wife and his loyal deputy ( Joe Anderson) who turns in a good performance as the deputy who soon starts turning into a "crazy" and so desperately trying to keep his grip on what is happening but knows he has the "crazies". So we find that the Government had a secret biological weapon that was on a plane that crashed into a swamp and said biological crap got into the town's water supply. Then all hell breaks loose, Government guys come in, the town is under martial law, people getting executed by own government, people who are affected are contained.

This is A good thriller, but lacked what all Romero movies had, the social commentary, where back in the 70s when this was made, Romero touched upon, Government, Military, weapons, cannot trust your military. Stuff like that.
This is just an updated straight thriller/ horror, where it's selling point: quick scares, nice action sequences, cat and mouse chases between Sheriff and Military. A good pop corn movie over all, do no expect anything too deep, in fact I feel this could have been an X Files episode, whole Government Conspiracy crap and all. But I liked it for the performances, over all direction was good, nice soundtrack, some decent scares, good Sat night pop corn movie as i always say.Get more detail about The Crazies [Blu-ray].

Low Price Hang Em High (2pc) (W/Dvd) (Ws) [Blu-ray]

Is this film really PG13 in USA? In Finland it is not allowed below 15 years, which is as it should be. Of course, films are getting more and more violent, but more than this I do not care. There were a couple of things that were good in this film. One of them was Eastwood himself. The other actors were good, too. Ben Johnson is always great, but his part was very small. This is a typical revenge story. That's a main motive in westerns. Is it enough to get a man to risk his life until the rest of his life in order to finalize his evenge? In real life one hopefully would give up. Eventhough he was almost hanged. There were some loose ends in the story. Perhaps this was meant to be so. Inger Stevens is looking men who rape her, but does not find them. Eastwood is feeling pangs of mercy, but the film requires revenge. Was it really necessary to have the long hanging celebration? It took a great part of the film.Get more detail about Hang Em High (2pc) (W/Dvd) (Ws) [Blu-ray].

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Save The Illusionist [Blu-ray]

This film is possibly one of the most under-rated piece of film art made in the recent past. It is a well mastered tale of suspense, interlaced with romance. Add some social class warfare and you should find something for most viewers. This is not a film that you put on unless you are willing to pay attention. The viewer really does need to pay attention, so if you play your videos just to make noise, then this one will lose you quickly.Get more detail about The Illusionist [Blu-ray].

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cheapest Collateral [Blu-ray]

This is the first and only movie that Tom Cruise has made where he actually showed acting talent. In all of his other attempts, he substitutes anger and screaming with no shading or signs he's had any training or directing whatsoever. Too bad he didn't learn how he did it. All three Mission Impossibles were embarrassing. Tom, (SUPERHERO) had to play ALL the original team rolled into one character. Teamwork MADE MI on TV. Sorry he didn't take time to research the original plot. I can give him four stars out of four for "Collateral"...and one out of four for his remaining resume credits.Get more detail about Collateral [Blu-ray].

Cheap Forgetting Sarah Marshall [Blu-ray]

This was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen! I cant watch it over and over and never get bored.Get more detail about Forgetting Sarah Marshall [Blu-ray].

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Buying Zombieland [Blu-ray]

Zombieland was not what I thought it was going to be. I was expecting more of a Night of the Living Dead type of film. The beginning and end had zombies, but not much action in the middle of the film.

The middle of this film kind of dragged, especially the Bill Murray part.
Not a bad movie. It's fun to watch but it's not a scary horror movie.Get more detail about Zombieland [Blu-ray].

Buy True Blood: The Complete Second Season (HBO Series) [Blu-ray]

I'm fed up with HBO's timeline....releasing the 2nd season more than one year after it played. They did the same cr@p with the Sopranos and other recent titles. I, for one, will not buy or watch any HBO presentations....Get more detail about True Blood: The Complete Second Season (HBO Series) [Blu-ray].

Monday, June 7, 2010

Purchase Ice Age Triple Pack (Ice Age / Ice Age: The Meltdown / Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs) [Blu-ray]

That's the exact reason why I will never, ever buy anything from the greedy movie studios... I'll "get" it some other way; and will be doing so until hollywood collapses on itself!Get more detail about Ice Age Triple Pack (Ice Age / Ice Age: The Meltdown / Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs) [Blu-ray].

Order Out of Africa: 25th Anniversary (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

While the movie will forever be a classic to which others aspire, the supposed Blu-Ray computer simulation is not worth it. Apparently, it is thought that if you turn the CONTRAST to 'high', you can sell it as "Blu-Ray" and charge $(n) more. C'mon - how many corners of mud brick buildings glow in real life? How many animals eyes glow while you drive by during the day? (Only two examples).

Movie is fantastic, but "Blu-ray" - a total rip off to get $.Get more detail about Out of Africa: 25th Anniversary (Blu-ray/DVD Combo).

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where To Buy A Nightmare on Elm Street [Blu-ray]

This is a great film. Horror master Wes Craven who wrote and directed this film introduces you to a movie that is fantasy, but brings these dreams into reality, which is why this film is scary. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to sleep, you are hit with sudden unexpected horror in the begining of the film. However, I do not want to spoil it for those who have not seen this great work of art. This blu-ray goes beyond the movie, as it takes us behind the scenes and allows the audience to see how the film came to be. You also get the opportunity to listen to Heather Langenkamp's interview (Nancy Thompson), who we know as the focus actor in the film. I adore her for her brightness and confidence in figuring Freddy Krueger's manipulation and game in the film. This blu-ray film is clean and the audio is crisp. The only issue if there is one, is that I am not sure whether the film as it is shown in the blu-ray, is cut the way it was originally shown. There is a part where Freddy falls in the landing of the stairs, and the stunt man in the film falls on a mattress. The audience are not supposed to see that, but I have seen other versions of the film where it is viewable. All in all, it is a great work of art. Leonard Berstein's musical score is phenomenal.Get more detail about A Nightmare on Elm Street [Blu-ray].

Shop For Spartacus: Blood and Sand [Blu-ray]

I came upon Spartacus the first time thinking that I was just going to see a '300' knock-off set in Ancient Rome. I thought it would be an entertaining way to kill some time, but nothing more. I was very wrong. The story is well told, the actors are committed, and a plethora of sex and violence that could have come across as gratuitous and unnecessary serves instead to buttress the underlying themes of Roman corruption, the desperation of the arena, and the very personal betrayals that Spartacus faces.

This show isn't trying for the historical accuracy of HBO's 'Rome' but instead is focusing on telling a fun and clever story. With strong performances, some stunning visuals, and a brutal approach to the subject matter...they have truly succeeded.

Unless you're exceptionally strait-laced about what kind of TV you watch, you should give Spartacus a chance. You won't regret it.Get more detail about Spartacus: Blood and Sand [Blu-ray].

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Independence Day [Blu-ray]

The effects are great, the acting is about what you'd expect, the story's a zero. If you have something that has to be done and you've already used up all the good excuses, uncork a jug of (cheap)wine, get out the chips and dip and ask wifey if she'd like to take a break from her hard labour.

If you remember what a disappointment Erwin Allen movies always were and how you somehow sat thru them anyway, you know what you're in for.
Like Irwin Allen, there was enough money to make this turkey pleasent to watch, there is some good acting, but whenever logic gets in the way of plot, forget the logic.

(...Other than getting to spend some time goofin' off with the wife, maybe doing the dishes would be better)

Get more detail about Independence Day [Blu-ray].

London Calling: Live in Hyde Park (Blu-Ray) Review

Though not listed in the amazon tracklist Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) WILL be on the DVD after 'Born To Run' This is the amended track list from Bruce's official site.Get more detail about London Calling: Live in Hyde Park (Blu-Ray).