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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shop For Gladiator (Sapphire Series) [Blu-ray]

Although I own the regular DVD version of Gladiator, I figured I may as well upgrade to Blu-ray since it was on sale. Needless to say, I recommend saving your money and spending it elsewhere. Heck, gambling it away on lottery tickets may garner a more quantifiable return than the visual mess contained on this disc. It seems the technicians went on holiday and left the Blu-ray conversion process to the interns; that, or the studio had a lens filter on loan from Janice Dickenson. Every single prior review is precisely accurate regarding the dismal toll DNR and EE have taken on what could have been a cinematic pleasure. To use an analogy; it's like living in the monkey house. After a while, one becomes acclimated to the terrible smell of dung, to such an extent one no longer notices the pungent odor. Whoever remastered Gladiator to this poor excuse for "Blu-ray" must have been so accustomed to seeing the same fuzzy and distorted images, they were incapable of realizing what a gratuitous and utterly worthless product they developed.Get more detail about Gladiator (Sapphire Series) [Blu-ray].

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